Where is the Bird?

I had a bird that was truly beautiful. With a small, cute face, blue and green wings, and a long yellow tail tip, he was my favorite. I named him Joseph. Every morning, he would come to my door and sing to me. I would respond by whistling, and he seemed to enjoy it because he always chirped back. Sometimes, his singing was intense, filled with loud melodies and energetic body movements. At times, I sensed he was upset with me, while other times, he appeared happy to see me. Regardless, he was always there, and I cherished him dearly.

One day, I had to leave for a trip that would last three weeks. The thought of leaving my bird behind saddened me. What if he didn’t return when I did? I was so attached to him that if I could, I would have taken him with me.

Upon returning from my trip, I eagerly checked for him the next morning, but Joseph was nowhere to be found. I whistled and called out to him, but received no response. Even the tree branch where he used to perch was empty. Disheartened, I returned home and resumed my daily routine. In the days that followed, I continued to wait for him, but he never returned.

Though I may never see him again, he will always remain a part of my story. He wasn’t just my bird; he was a bird that touched my soul. He will forever reside in my heart, and we will both continue on our paths, perhaps crossing each other’s once more someday.

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